воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

ask jeaves.com

I was very unproductive in a personal sense this weekend. I worked for 6 hours yesterday and then vegged out for the rest of the day. Today, I did my usual Sunday chores and did actually work on Bulletfists a little bit. I had planned on painting, but I just didnapos;t. I didnapos;t even pay bills or do my nails. Lazy, lazy, lazy.

It was nice yesterday at work all by myself. I got a lot done without any interruptions or gossipy friends there to distract me. I know that sounds really dorky. But sometimes itapos;s just nice to be completely alone and lose yourself in something else, even if itapos;s not something particularly exciting. I really wish Iapos;d painted some today, but thatapos;s alright. Some other time. My last 3 paintings are still cluttering up my office drying.

Iapos;ll be doing a more personal entry sometime soon, but not tonight. Not feeling it right now.

Also, a random question.... What is up with all these LJ users with deleted accounts adding me as a friend??? Iapos;ve had 3 deleted accounts add me as a friend this week. And before that, it was several users whose journals were completely in Russian. Seriously, what is this all about? Does anyone know?
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Friday a few of us went to Amsterdam for the afternoon/evening. The day was actually rather uneventful; we just walked around aimlessly for a couple hours "seeing the city" I guess, but not really seeing anything interesting. We walked through the Red Light District, which is way overhyped. Itapos;s basically a couple narrow streets with women in their underwear standing in the windows, like a mannequin would be in a department store. Except theyapos;re real people and itapos;s a lot weirder, and everyone there is a tourist who feels like itapos;s something they should see. It was just strange, but not in a way that felt scandalous or exciting. Just like, "Oh. I guess this is it."

Anyway, after all the wandering, we met up with more people from our group for dinner at this Dutch noodle place that was pretty good. We walked around a little more and then we went out to a few bars before taking the train back to Utrecht. My favorite part of the whole trip was this dinky little carnival set up in the heart of the city. I love carnivals Not necessarily riding the rides or playing the games, but just looking at them and walking through them with all the noise and lights and movement. Out of the entire city, the only pictures I took were of this carnival.

Tomorrow is my last day of break before we start classes again on Tuesday. Iapos;ve done basically nothing all week, and Iapos;m totally fine with that. Itapos;s been the most relaxing week since Iapos;ve been here, actually. We have a few essays due coming up in the next three weeks or so, but I really have no interest in any of them and Iapos;m putting them off until we get closer to the due dates. We never get any feedback on assignments we turn in or presentations we do in class, so it kills my motivation and sets the bar low by default.

I feel detached from school because itapos;s not very interesting or demanding, and I have all this stuff for "real life" thatapos;s more pressing than these classes. Iapos;m trying to get my resume together and write a bunch of cover letters for internships next summer. And I need to e-mail my adviser at OU to see if she has any connections or help for these internships. Iapos;m trying to write some good stuff for The Keen Shop, as well as design the magazine and the website. And even though working on The Keen Shop is a just a small personal project, I like it so much more and I will feel SO much more proud of writing two or three good pieces for it, rather than writing two or three good essays on European economy and history.

I think Iapos;ve been losing weight since Iapos;ve been here, like maybe ten pounds. This is odd, since all I think about is food and all I eat are hashbrowns and grilled cheeses and chocolate. Well, and mandarin oranges. I actually thought I would start gaining weight because I feel like Iapos;m overeating because Iapos;m sad, but now itapos;s gone the other way. Iapos;m pretty sure itapos;s from all the bike riding, but Iapos;m a tiny person to begin with and I donapos;t feel very healthy. My formerly skinny jeans are loose and my jackets feel too big.

Right now Iapos;m watching this totally messed up program on the National Geographic channel called "The First Head Transplant." Itapos;s showing all this old black and white surgery footage of monkey brains and dog decapitations and itapos;s totally grossing me out. Iapos;m just trying to kill time until Law and Order comes on.

This week Iapos;m going to buy a pumpkin and carve it. Itapos;s going to be spectacular You just wait.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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All all it was a pretty good week even though it was ladled with itapos;s fair share of suckiness.
No point dwelling on the bad for right now.
Monday- Met Anthony Rapp and he was totally singing (to me...maybe) when I walked up to get his autograph. Listening to him speak and reading the book has given me much renewed faith in all things theatrical.
Tuesday- I learned how to make pockets Thatapos;s really about it. Oh yea, and surprise birthday dinner for the Madison.
Wednesday- No band practice Actually there was no band practice all week, but it made Wednesday that much more exciting. Plus a massive amount of brothers and sisters in the eatery doing what we do best...eating and bios.
Thursday- Free circus in the arena..woot. It was like a mini Cirque du Soleil, and so a group of us went and it was fantabulous.
Friday- Impromptu free trip to the Epcot food Wine festival. Seriously, Madison called me and was like "what are you doing right now?" So yea. It was awesome, even though I was the only one there under 21. Boo.
Saturday That was today folks. I went to breakfast with Stephanie and the new boyfriend I didnapos;t know she had lol and it was fun. Then, lunch at Lauraapos;s for the Greyapos;s episodes we missed, Emily, Kayla and I went to Borders and got cds with a coupon, attempted to shop for little brother stuff but didnapos;t get too far, then pizza with those mentioned above + Nick and two other FSU people. That was a long run on sentence. Then we went to the carnival and rode the rides and took pictures in the pumpkin patch and I won a fish whose name is Harvey Pumpkin.

Holy cow.

Iapos;ve adopted the phrase "Holy Cow" for this week.

Now, of course, there are stupid drunken people yelling about in the hallways.

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Iapos;ve been playing over on Facebook� LiveJournal is my life... Not Facebook�

...I�just thought if I played a bit I might understand it better.� But it does get on my nerves.� But I�have "real life"�friends over there... Okay that doesnapos;t sound great.� I have friends over there that Iapos;ve met, or see quite regularly.� You guys are my internet pals :D�and miss dearly when youapos;re not online ;o)�

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So I picked up a 1 TB external drive (which Iapos;ve named Yuki) today to prepare myself for the data swapping thatapos;ll happen over the next few weeks. Iapos;ve already got some other external drives, and they all have different purposes:

Tsunade: 500 Gig drive, currently for videos
Orihime: 300 Gig drive, currently for music
Sakaki: 200 Gig drive, currently a lot of random stuff.
Iori: 160 Gig drive, currently some random stuff.

I prefer keeping music and videos on separate drives, but alas Tsunade and Orihime are almost full (Orihime is also holding about 80 Gigs of photos from CSE Revue 2008apos;s show week (yes, just one week of photos. 20 000 odd photos. We may have went a bit nuts with the cameras)). I got Yuki to help cover the lack of space, but now...

Iapos;m going to transfer most of the data between drives. This is going to be painful:

1) All the videos on Tsunade are going on to Yuki
2) All the music on Orihime are going on to Tsunade, but Iapos;ll keep the photos on there.
3) Any of my photos on Orihime will stay, will try and gather all my photos onto that one drive. Hopefully there will still be some space left.
4) Sakaki and Iori... Dunno what to do with them (as in what to leave on them).

In the whole shuffling process though, I should be able to completely free up Iori. Considering I was planning on donating a drive to CSE Revue to stash stuff like promotional photos, various design resources (like the files for the logos, templates and etc), and other useful stuff, I think I found my drive. Should get a case for it though (yes, I have 5 drives but 4 cases... Dunno how that happened). 160 gig may not sound like much, but then, itapos;s not meant to keep a whole pile of stuff. Nothing like 80 gigs of photos from one show week.

Well, considering that itapos;ll take about forever to do all the swapping over (even with TeraCopy), and I kinda need it done by tomorrow afternoon, I guess Iapos;d better start now...

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boston census bureau

This is my journal and therefore, I am entitled to any amount of whining sessions that I may like.
Because if not here, then wherefore shall I whine?
Besides, most of my friends are sick of my whining. So here we go.

LIFE�SUCKS�GOATS�BALLS�when � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �
�a. Your nose feels like itapos;s been blocked since 1987
�b. Your joints ache, and you feel like youapos;ve aged 60 years in a day
�c. You have not finished revision for an exam youapos;re about to take on monday
�d. WEIRD�TUTOR is coming by to visit
�e. You cough and sneeze every hundredth a millisecond (which is not possible by the way and is exagerration on my part.)
�f. You made a pact to yourself that you would not blog, only to blog about how hard it is not to blog
�e. You realize you suffer from Middle Child Syndrome

Answer: G

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

com guapos migueb

Congratulations that you got into OCT. I know thatapos;s what you always wanted and iapos;m truly happy for you. Despite all that has happened iapos;m pretty sure you wonapos;t want to talk to me and iapos;m afraid of what you will say to me too. But what can i say man. 18 months is much longer than i thought and hell it ainapos;t easy to remove triggers and linkages. Still, iapos;m happy for you� all the way deep down iapos; glad that you have become the person that you want to be.

what surprises me is that iapos;ve not taken them down they are still there opposite my bed and when asked why they are still there? all i can say is that you were part of my life. Both good bad. But still memories.

with love forever

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.


I have added the Order of Saint Luke the Physician (OSL) to my list of Links.

To find it, go to the column to the right of this space and under My Links it is there.

Just click on the link and you will discover this wonderful organization which promotes and practices the traditional, apostolic healing ministry of Jesus Christ in the churches today.

We believe that the healing ministry which Jesus Christ began continues today. We believe that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).

I've been an active OSL member for over twenty years.

Laity and clergy are invited to consider membership in the Order.

To become a member, you study the 27 healing stories in the gospels and read a couple of standard works on Christian healing.

Your "homework" is reviewed by a OSL Chaplain and then you are eligible for full membership.

I am in Region II of the Order. This region takes in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

Region II is one of the largest regions in North America and has many Chapters of OSL.

Region II has a fall retreat at Star Lake Conference Center in Bloomingdale, N.J. And a spring conference at Shrine Mont Conference Center in Orkney Springs, Virginia.

There are many Healing Missions held throughout the region during the year.

Also, the Order publishes a journal ten times a year called SHARING: A Journal of Christian Healing. It really is an excellent guide to Christian healing ministry today with good biblical teaching and articles by members who share stories of healings.

For more information, visit the OSL website.

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